Uncork Some Fun - Create a Wine Wall for Your Fundraiser!

01 Jun 2024

Looking for a fun and engaging way to raise money at your Longest Table fundraiser? Look no further than the classic wine wall! It's a simple concept with a big payoff, offering a chance for your guests to win a delicious bottle of wine while supporting your cause.

Let's uncork the secrets to creating a winning wine wall!

What is a Wine Wall?

The concept is simple. You'll curate a selection of donated wine bottles, each wrapped in a bottle bag or decorated to hide the label. Guests then pay a set price (you choose!) for the opportunity to pick a mystery bottle from your display. The catch? They won't know what they're getting until they unwrap it! The thrill lies in the unknown - will they score a budget-friendly bottle or walk away with a premium vintage?

Set up your Wine Wall in 3 easy steps!

1. Gather Your Grapes (Wine Donations)

Reach out to local wineries, restaurants, or wine shops. Highlight the charitable aspect and offer a shout-out at your event.

Don't forget about individual donors! Wine enthusiasts might be happy to contribute a top-priced gem from their own collections.

The Longest Table Tip: Utilise your fundraising letter of authority to approach wineries or suppliers for in-kind donations.

Every registered host also receives an exclusive 21% discount for Hither & Yon online wine purchases - perfect for stocking your wall!

Aim for a diverse selection of wines, including reds, whites, and maybe even some craft beers to broaden your appeal. Remember, a wider range of options means a wider range of happy donors.

2. Wrap it Up!

Presentation is key! Use attractive wrapping paper, gift bags, or even brown paper lunch bags to conceal the bottles. Consider using a consistent colour scheme (can anyone say THEME) or creating a design with the wrapped bottles to add visual interest. Guests shouldn’t be able to sneak a peek at any labels!

The Longest Table Wine Wall with wine wrapped in coloured tissue paper

3. Let the fun begin.

Did you secure a vintage bottle? Make sure you let your guests know about what they could score for their donation!

Set a donation price that’s attractive to your guests, but ensures you recoup any costs whilst generating a fundraising profit for your Table. $15-$20 is a good price-point but adjust depending on the value of your wines and what you’re comfortable asking.

Bonus Tips

Spin to win. For an extra element of fun, incorporate a "Spin the Bottle" style game! Arrange your wines in a circle and your guests can spin the (empty) bottle which points to the winner's prize!

wines wrapped in red tissue laying in a circle pattern on a table

Theme it Up. Match your wine wrapping or bags to your event's theme for a decorative, cohesive look.

Spread the Word. Promote your wine wall throughout your event, encouraging guests to participate.

Remember, the key is to have fun, offer a good selection, and create an air of mystery that will entice your guests to participate. With a little planning and creativity, your wine wall can be a major fundraising success.

Let’s raise a glass to a fun and fruitful event to #ForkCancer!